本文摘要:Fred Vogelstein has a must read story on the creation of the iPhone in the New York Times Magazine.在新一期的《纽约时报》杂志上,Fred Vogelstein有一篇iPhone建构的参考书故事。
Fred Vogelstein has a must read story on the creation of the iPhone in the New York Times Magazine.在新一期的《纽约时报》杂志上,Fred Vogelstein有一篇iPhone建构的参考书故事。Its chock full of great little details, and you absolutely should read it. Heres one of many little nuggets from the story.里面弥漫了有趣的小细节,你意味著应当读一读。这是许多小掘金故事中的一个。According to a senior Apple executive, the company likely spent over $150 million to develop the original iPhone.据一位苹果高管,公司有可能花上了1.5亿多美元来研发最初的iPhone。
Considering how important the iPhone is for Apple, this seems like nothing for the company to spend. But, its still a fairly big number.考虑到iPhone对于苹果的重要性,这笔花费或许对公司来说不值一提。但是,它依然是一个相当大的数字。Apple invested more in the iPhone than money, though, reports Vogelstein. It also put its best people on the project.但是苹果投放iPhone的不只是钱,Vogelstein报告。它还将其最差的人才用在这个项目上。
Many top engineers in the company were being sucked into the project, forcing slowdowns in the timetables of other work, says Vogelstein. If the iPhone were a dud, it put the whole company at risk because this is the only thing it was really working on.“公司很多顶尖的工程师被拉入这个项目,被迫其他工作的时间表上升,” Vogelstein说道。如果iPhone多余,它不会使整个公司陷于危机,因为这是其唯一确实在做到的事。And choosing top engineers caused a rift within Apple. The iPhone was a top secret project.自由选择高级工程师导致苹果内部的分化。
iPhone是一个绝密的项目。Andy Grignon, a hardware engineer in charge of the radios in the iPhone told Vogelstein, Everyone knows who the rock stars are in a company, and when you start to see them all slowly get plucked out of your area and put in a big room behind glass doors that you don’t have access to, it feels bad.Andy Grignon,一个负责管理iPhone无线电的硬件工程师告诉他Vogelstein,“每个人都告诉公司里谁是摇滚明星,当你开始看见他们都渐渐解散你的区域,在一个玻璃门后面的大房间里,而你却进不去,那感觉糟透了。